Cells stressed out? Make mitochondria longer

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have discovered a new pathway in cells that promotes mitochondrial function during times of stress, a response that can guard against disease as we age.

'Click chemistry' reactions may boost cancer-fighting drug potency

Researchers at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have developed a quick and easy way to simultaneously modify dozens of drugs or molecules to improve their disease-fighting properties. Using the approach, scientists exchanged ...

Microscopic chariots deliver molecules within our cells

On the cellular highway, motor proteins called dyneins rule the road. Dyneins "walk" along structures called microtubules to deliver cellular cargo, such as signaling molecules and organelles, to different parts of a cell. ...

New structure of key protein holds clues for better drug design

Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have peered deep into the heart of a key protein used in drug design and discovered dynamic structural features that may lead to new ways to target diseases. The protein, ...

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