Peoples' Friendship University of Russia - a unique international university where students from over 154 countries of the world are trained annually. In Russia, it is also - the only university with such a diversified structure, which gives the fundamental education on the basis of which the People's Friendship University graduates successfully realize themselves in all countries of the world, including in developed countries, both in production and business, and in the field science and governance. The presence of students at the University of 154 over the world each year, says the high recognition of the People's Friendship University diplomas in the world: it emphasizes the fact that the People's Friendship University graduates not only to successfully find a place of work in competition with graduates of other leading universities in the world, but many of they are public and political figures, members and leaders of their respective governments and parliaments.

Miklukho-Maklaya str.6 117198, Moscow

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Chemists test a new nanocatalyst for obtaining hydrogen

A chemist from RUDN was the first to use catalysts with ruthenium nanoparticles to obtain hydrogen under the influence of visible light and UV radiation. In the future, such catalysts may be used for large-scale production ...

Physicist describes the shape of a wormhole

A RUDN physicist demonstrated how to describe the shape of any symmetrical wormhole—a black hole that theoretically can be a kind of a portal between any two points in space and time—based on its wave spectrum. The research ...

Chemists create an emission molecular thermometer

Future technologies rely on phenomena that were previously considered the exclusive domain of theoretical physics or chemistry. For example, the approach to devices with high-density information storage arose when chemists ...

Concrete made stronger and more durable with resin

Engineering structures made of concrete, steel, or other materials are subject to vibrations and stress. Because of this, small cracks appear, which grow and eventually lead to destruction. This phenomenon is called "fatigue ...

Agronomists save tomatoes from toxic aluminum with melatonin

RUDN University agronomists and colleagues from China and Iran have helped tomatoes cope with the toxic effect of aluminum in acidic soils with the help of melatonin. This hormone contributes to nitric oxide production, blocking ...

Scientists determine how to properly feed rainbow trout

Scientists from the RUDN University and colleagues from Iran have determined the optimal dosage of a popular dietary supplement for rainbow trout. Exceeding it not only negates a positive effect, but can cause harm to the ...

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