30,000 near-Earth asteroids discovered, and numbers are rising

We have now discovered 30,039 near-Earth asteroids in the solar system—rocky bodies orbiting the sun on a path that brings them close to Earth's orbit. The majority of these were discovered in the last decade, showing how ...

Image: Italy's Stromboli erupts

A volcano on the Italian island of Stromboli erupted early on Sunday morning, releasing huge plumes of smoke and a lava flow pouring into the sea. The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission captured this image of the aftermath less ...

Satellites detect methane plume in Nord Stream leak

Following unusual seismic disturbances in the Baltic Sea, several leaks were discovered last week in the underwater Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, near Denmark and Sweden. Neither pipeline was transporting gas at the ...

Hubble spies a stately spiral galaxy

The stately sweeping spiral arms of the spiral galaxy NGC 5495 are revealed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera 3 in this image. NGC 5495, which lies around 300 million light-years from Earth in the ...

Video: New weather satellite on its way to launch

The final pre-launch preparations for the first Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite are under way. The first satellite, called MTG-I1, built by a European industrial consortium led by Thales Alenia Space carries two ...

Webb's icy instrument reveals complex structures

These spectacular images feature the spiral galaxy IC 5332, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope (above) and the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope (below). The images display the powerful capabilities that both ...

ESA selects Harmony as tenth Earth Explorer mission

Following preparatory activities and a stringent process ESA Member States today formally selected Harmony for implementation as the tenth Earth Explorer mission within the FutureEO program. This unique satellite mission ...

Mediterranean Sea hit by marine heatwave

Marine heatwaves are extreme rises in ocean temperature over an extended period of time. Their magnitude and frequency have harmful impacts on marine ecosystems, threaten marine biodiversity and negatively impact fisheries, ...

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