Weightless on Earth: Preparing astronauts for microgravity

During missions on the International Space Station, astronauts' bodies go through a wide array of changes due to lack of gravity—everything from vision to cardiovascular health to bone density is affected.

Hubble captures a starry scene

A glittering multitude of stars in the globular cluster Terzan 4 fills this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Globular clusters are collections of stars bound together by their mutual gravitational attraction ...

Image: UK heat wave

This summer, heat waves struck Europe, North Africa, the U.S. and Asia with temperatures reaching over 40°C in places—breaking many long-standing records. Images from the Copernicus Sentinel-3 mission show the scale of ...

Video: Ariane 6 launchpad testing

It has been an exciting and busy summer for the European Space Agency, with development and testing of its new Ariane 6 launcher.

Solar Orbiter solves magnetic switchback mystery

With data from its closest pass of the sun yet, the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft has found compelling clues as to the origin of magnetic switchbacks, and points towards how their physical formation mechanism might help ...

Preparing the MTG-I1 weather satellite for launch

Before Europe's first Meteosat Third Generation Imager leaves the south of France at the end of the month aboard a ship bound for French Guiana, this remarkable new weather satellite has been taking center stage at Thales ...

Coronal mass ejection hits Solar Orbiter before Venus flyby

In the early hours of Sunday, September 4, Solar Orbiter flew by Venus for a gravity-assist maneuver that alters the spacecraft's orbit, getting it even closer to the sun. As if trying to get the orbiter's attention as it ...

Webb captures a cosmic tarantula

Thousands of never-before-seen young stars are spotted in a stellar nursery called 30 Doradus, captured by the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope. Nicknamed the Tarantula Nebula for the appearance of its dusty filaments ...

Training astronauts to be scientists on the moon

Astronauts with their sights on the moon are receiving world-class geology training during the fifth edition of ESA's Pangaea campaign. From choosing landing sites for a future Artemis mission, to designing science operations ...

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