CNRS is the Centre national de la recherche scientifique, or the French National Center for Scientific Research. It is a publicly funded research organization, under the authority of the French Ministry of Research, and is the largest of several French research organizations with the legal status of Public Scientific and Technological Institution (Etablissement public à caractčre scientifique et technologique, or EPST, in French.) Research at CNRS covers all the major fields of scientific research, and is organized into 9 research institutes.


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Team discovers a new defense mechanism in bacteria

When confronted with an antibiotic, toxic substance, or other source of considerable stress, bacteria are able to activate a defense mechanism using cell-to-cell communication to "warn" unaffected bacteria, which can then ...

How humans transform island bird communities

It is known that people have been bringing alien bird species onto islands for thousands of years, but how this has shaped the diversity of those species has just been brought to light by a study published in the journal ...

Study reveals gut cells' role in marine worm regeneration

The sea worm Platynereis dumerilii is only a few centimeters long, but has a remarkable ability: In just a few days, it can regenerate entire parts of its body after an injury or amputation. By focusing more specifically ...

The rise of horse power ~4,200 years ago

All domestic horses living on the planet today, whether racetrack champions, pony-club companions, or heavy draft giants, find their origins in the western Russian steppes of the third millennium BCE. However, the exact chronology ...

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