Condensed Matter

'Miracle' filter turns store-bought LEDs into spintronic devices

Traditional electronics use semiconductors to transmit data through bursts of charged carriers (electrons or holes) to convey messages in "1s" and "0s." Spintronic devices can process an order of magnitude more information ...

Plants & Animals

Climate-smart coffee: Researchers explore Robusta coffee as alternative to Arabica

Crave that cup of coffee in the morning? Globally, consumers drink more than 2.2 billion cups daily. Someone grows all that joe: More than 100 million farmers worldwide produce coffee.

Study identifies two critical genes in pancreatic tumors

University of Toronto researchers have identified two genes that play a critical role in tumor growth in the pancreas—findings that have significant implications for understanding and treating pancreatic cancer.

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Tech Xplore

How epigenetics influence memory formation

When we form a new memory, the brain undergoes physical and functional changes known collectively as a "memory trace." A memory trace represents the specific patterns of activity and structural modifications of neurons that ...

New shingles vaccine could reduce risk of dementia

A study of more than 200,000 people by researchers at the University of Oxford found at least a 17% reduction in dementia diagnoses in the six years after the new recombinant shingles vaccination, equating to 164 or more ...

Protecting your pig from diamond skin disease

Everybody wants to find a diamond in the rough, but no one wants their pig to develop diamond skin disease—an infection that can cause pain and discomfort and may lead to death if left untreated.

New findings regarding Indian food sustainability

Researchers in India have expanded the well-known theory of planned behavior to obtain useful marketing and policy insights concerning the sustainability choices of consumers when it comes to food. The study, published in ...

Image: A Saturnian summer

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of Saturn and its colossal rings on July 4, 2020, during summer in the gas giant's northern hemisphere. Two of Saturn's icy moons are also clearly visible: Mimas at right, ...

Breaking down stubborn cellulose in timelapse

Researchers at TU Graz in Austria have for the first time ever succeeded in visualizing at the single-molecule level the processes involved in a biological nanomachine, known as the cellulosome, as it degrades crystalline ...

New integrated device for nanometer-scale sensing

Researchers at Eindhoven University of Technology have developed a new, integrated optical sensor that provides increased resolution in measurements and paves the way for fully integrated and compact optical sensors including ...

Counting kinks in a collapsing ring to predict stability

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford, MIT and the University of Limerick has found that it is possible to predict the stability of a collapsing ring by counting its kinks. In their paper published in the journal ...

Nanobowls serve up chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells

For decades, scientists have explored the use of liposomes—hollow spheres made of lipid bilayers—to deliver chemotherapy drugs to tumor cells. But drugs can sometimes leak out of liposomes before they reach their destination, ...

Machine-learning tool could help develop tougher materials

For engineers developing new materials or protective coatings, there are billions of different possibilities to sort through. Lab tests or even detailed computer simulations to determine their exact properties, such as toughness, ...

Microrobots inspired by nature

A revolutionary design mimics the rowing action of the cilia on single-celled Paramecium, demonstrating much faster movement than conventional microrobots.

Saving Pakistan's lost city of Mohenjo Daro

The centre of a powerful ancient civilisation, Mohenjo Daro was one of the world's earliest cities—a Bronze Age metropolis boasting flush toilets and a water and waste system to rival many in modern Pakistan.

Whiz kid who foiled cyberattack

They are called white hats—the good guys in the Wild West of the internet—and they ride to the rescue as in the case of the 22-year-old British expert who helped stop the WannaCry cyberattack.