General Physics

Results suggests titanium-48's nuclear structure changes when observed at varying distances

The world around us is made up of particles invisible to the naked eye, but physicists continue to gain insights into this mysterious realm. Findings published in Physical Review C by Osaka Metropolitan University researchers ...

Materials Science

Researchers zero in on the underlying mechanism that causes alloys to crack when exposed to hydrogen-rich environments

When deciding what material to use for infrastructure projects, metals are often selected for their durability. However, if placed in a hydrogen-rich environment, like water, metals can become brittle and fail. Since the ...

Genome study informs restoration of American chestnut tree

Native trees adapt to the climate and environmental conditions of their area to survive. Researchers in the College of Natural Resources and Environment in collaboration with the American Chestnut Foundation confirmed this ...

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Tech Xplore

Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel

Chemists have been working to synthesize high-value materials from waste molecules for years. Now, an international collaboration of scientists is exploring ways to use electricity to streamline the process.

AI-powered optical detection to thwart counterfeit chips

The semiconductor industry has grown into a $500 billion global market over the last 60 years. However, it is grappling with dual challenges: a profound shortage of new chips and a surge of counterfeit chips, introducing ...

Hubble views a potential galactic merger

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image features the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 5238, located 14.5 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. Its unexciting, blob-like appearance seems to resemble ...

Similar to humans, chimpanzees develop slowly

Few species develop as slowly as humans, both in terms of developing adult skills and brain development. Human infants are born so underdeveloped that they cannot survive without adult care and feeding for some years after ...

Information drove development of early states

Who could imagine a 21st century without data? Sophisticated information processing is key to the way societies function today. And it turns out it was also critical to the evolution of early states. According to new research ...

Simulations explain detonation properties in TATB

Two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have discovered a new mechanism for ignition of high explosives that explains the unusual detonation properties of 1,3,5-triamino-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene (TATB).

Winds spread PFAS pollution far from a manufacturing facility

Concerns about environmental and health risks of some fluorinated carbon compounds used to make non-stick coatings and fire-fighting foams have prompted manufacturers to develop substitutes, but these replacements are increasingly ...

Researchers trigger enzymes with light

Enzymes are the central drivers for biochemical metabolic processes in every living cell, enabling reactions to take place efficiently. It is this ability that makes them useful as catalysts in biotechnology, for example, ...

Fractionating DNA—from hours to minutes

Researchers of the University of Twente in The Netherlands developed a glass microchip for ultrafast separation and purification of DNA fragments. The chip, moreover, is easy to produce and cheap. The UT scientists published ...

Organic films from atmospheric aerosol and sea water

Tiny particles in the air known as aerosols play an important role in cloud formation, which in turn has an impact on our planet's climate. However to date the effect of aerosols on cloud formation remains full of uncertainties. ...

Urban emissions could be cut by 70 percent

Wouter van Heeswijk has developed a mathematical model that determines the optimal conditions for sustainable urban distribution. The model can reduce logistical pressure in cities and make goods transport more sustainable. ...

Explaining hostility to renewables

Studying the catastrophe that has been Australian climate and energy policy these past 30 years is a thoroughly depressing business. When you read great work by Guy Pearse, Clive Hamilton, Maria Taylor and Phillip Chubb, ...