
First results from the Axion Dark-Matter Birefringent Cavity experiment establish a new technique for axion search

Researchers at MIT recently published the first results of an experiment aimed at searching for axion dark matter by probing the axion-induced birefringence of electromagnetic waves. While these findings, published in Physical ...

Plants & Animals

Bumblebee queens choose to hibernate in pesticide-contaminated soil, scientists discover

An alarming discovery from University of Guelph researchers raises concerns for bumblebee health, survival and reproduction. U of G environmental sciences researchers Drs. Nigel Raine and Sabrina Rondeau have found that bumblebee ...

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Uncovering new regulatory mechanisms in embryo implantation

Implantation is the initial step in pregnancy, where the embryo attaches to and enters the endometrium, the inner tissue layer of the uterus. During this process, the cells of the endometrium change to build the right conditions ...

Five surprising ways that trees help prevent flooding

Think of flood prevention and you might imagine huge concrete dams, levees or the shiny Thames barrier. But some of the most powerful tools for reducing flood risk are far more natural and widely recognizable: woodlands and ...

Materials of the future can be extracted from wastewater

A group of researchers is on the way to revolutionizing what biomass from wastewater treatment plants can be used for. Biopolymers from bacteria can be a sustainable alternative to oil-based products, and phosphorus and other ...

Pioneering river restoration declared a success

A year on from the completion of a three-year project on the National Trust's Holnicote Estate in Somerset to reconnect a section of a river to its floodplain—the innovative "Stage 0" river restoration technique, first ...

Q&A: Experts discuss the beaver, a controversial mammal

When an endangered species succeeds in repopulating its former habitat, the immediate reaction is one of joy. In the long term, however, its spread is often associated with conflict. One example is the beaver, a keystone ...

New Mars rover is ready for space lasers

When the Apollo astronauts landed on the Moon, they brought devices with them called retroreflectors, which are essentially small arrays of mirrors. The plan was for scientists on Earth to aim lasers at them and calculate ...

Busy pictures hinder reading ability in children

Reading is the gateway for learning, but one-third of elementary school students in the United States do not read at grade level. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University are exploring how the design of reading materials ...

Testing the waters by taking to the air

Drones are not just for hobbyists, they have a new scientific application—indicating changes beneath the sea surface. MBARI researchers are exploring the possibilities of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to accompany ...

Quantum machine learning

Language acquisition in young children is apparently connected with their ability to detect patterns. In their learning process, they search for patterns in the data set that help them identify and optimize grammar structures ...

Greece botched oil spill response: environment groups

Greek officials botched their response to a minor oil spill that is now threatening beaches near Athens five days after the suspicious sinking of a tanker, environmental groups said Thursday as calls mounted for the competent ...

A flexible, mobile measuring system for Earth observation

Over the next five years, nine research centres of the Helmholtz Association will collaborate to create a flexible, mobile measuring system for Earth observation: MOSES – Modular Observation Solutions for Earth Systems. ...

'Handedness' in scale-eating fish

Two researchers from Nagoya University and the University of Toyama find scale-eating fish have a naturally stronger side for attacking prey fish, and learn to use the dominant side through experience.

Tracing the light inside an LED

The performance of white LEDs can be improved, based on better knowledge of the absorption and scattering of light inside the LED. A new method, developed by the University of Twente in The Netherlands and Philips Lighting, ...