
First results from the Axion Dark-Matter Birefringent Cavity experiment establish a new technique for axion search

Researchers at MIT recently published the first results of an experiment aimed at searching for axion dark matter by probing the axion-induced birefringence of electromagnetic waves. While these findings, published in Physical ...

Plants & Animals

Bumblebee queens choose to hibernate in pesticide-contaminated soil, scientists discover

An alarming discovery from University of Guelph researchers raises concerns for bumblebee health, survival and reproduction. U of G environmental sciences researchers Drs. Nigel Raine and Sabrina Rondeau have found that bumblebee ...

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Uncovering new regulatory mechanisms in embryo implantation

Implantation is the initial step in pregnancy, where the embryo attaches to and enters the endometrium, the inner tissue layer of the uterus. During this process, the cells of the endometrium change to build the right conditions ...

In vitro model helps show why breast cancer spreads to bone

Researchers from Tampere University, Finland, and Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, have developed an in vitro cancer model to investigate why breast cancer spreads to bone. Their findings hold promise for advancing ...

Five surprising ways that trees help prevent flooding

Think of flood prevention and you might imagine huge concrete dams, levees or the shiny Thames barrier. But some of the most powerful tools for reducing flood risk are far more natural and widely recognizable: woodlands and ...

Materials of the future can be extracted from wastewater

A group of researchers is on the way to revolutionizing what biomass from wastewater treatment plants can be used for. Biopolymers from bacteria can be a sustainable alternative to oil-based products, and phosphorus and other ...

Pioneering river restoration declared a success

A year on from the completion of a three-year project on the National Trust's Holnicote Estate in Somerset to reconnect a section of a river to its floodplain—the innovative "Stage 0" river restoration technique, first ...

Q&A: Experts discuss the beaver, a controversial mammal

When an endangered species succeeds in repopulating its former habitat, the immediate reaction is one of joy. In the long term, however, its spread is often associated with conflict. One example is the beaver, a keystone ...

Evolutionary and heritable axes shape our brain

The location of a country on the earth says a lot about its climate, its neighboring countries, and the resources that might be found there. The location therefore determines what kind of country you would expect to find ...

Research reveals how wounds heal in 'waves'

Many cells in our bodies are on the move and somehow seem to 'know' where to go. But how do they learn the location of their destination? This question is key to understanding phenomena such as the renewal of cells in our ...

Researchers create fly-catching robots

An international team of Johannes Kepler University researchers is developing robots made from soft materials. A new article in the journal Communications Materials demonstrates how these kinds of soft machines react using ...

Terraced graphene for ultrasensitive magnetic field sensor

National University of Singapore physicists have developed a sensitive two-dimensional (2-D) magnetic field sensor, which can potentially improve the detection of nanoscale magnetic domains for data storage applications.

To kill a quasiparticle: A quantum whodunit

In large systems of interacting particles in quantum mechanics, an intriguing phenomenon often emerges: groups of particles begin to behave like single particles. Physicists refer to such groups of particles as 'quasiparticles'.

Book reports outcomes of Olympic-sized events

Winning a bid to host a "mega-event" like the Olympic games is the start of a Herculean commitment for host countries. After years of planning, investment and construction, nations roll out the welcome mat for international ...

Image: Infrared and visible imaging of model satellite

Thermal infrared and visible light cameras mounted on a robot arm as it approaches a model of a dead satellite, as part of a demonstration of vision-based navigation systems intended for ESA's e.Deorbit active space debris ...