Energy & Green Tech

Researchers propose hydrogen storage using existing infrastructure in lakes and reservoirs

In a new Nature Communications study, researchers propose a new method for hydrogen storage using existing pipes located at the bottom of lakes and reservoirs.


A recurrent neural network-based framework to non-linearly model behaviorally relevant neural dynamics

A key objective of several neuroscience studies is to understand and model how the dynamics of distinct populations of neurons give rise to specific human and animal behaviors. Many existing methods for exploring the link ...

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Phage cocktail shows promise against drug-resistant bacteria

Researchers have a new battle tactic to fight drug-resistant bacterial infections. Their strategy involves using collections of bacteriophages, viruses that naturally attack bacteria. In a new study, researchers at the University ...

How passion drives or derails team innovation

In companies, innovative ideas often come out of teams. That's why it's so important to have team members who are excited and focused on projects that lead to innovation. However, having team members who are too passionate—especially ...

The sun unleashes its strongest flare this cycle

Yesterday the sun released a huge solar flare, and it's heading toward Earth. It's nothing to worry about since it's nowhere near as large as the Carrington Event of 1859, but it is large enough to give us some amazing aurora.

What's the best material for a lunar tower?

Physical infrastructure on the moon will be critical to any long-term human presence there as both America and China gear up for a sustained human lunar presence. Increasingly, a self-deploying tower is one of the most essential ...

Gravitational lens confirms the Hubble tension

We've known the universe is expanding for a long time. The first solid paper demonstrating cosmic expansion was published by Edwin Hubble in 1929, based on observations made by Vesto Slipher, Milton Humason, and Henrietta ...

Extremely rare Higgs boson decay process spotted

The Higgs boson reached overnight fame in 2012 when it was finally discovered in a jumble of other particles generated at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Geneva, Switzerland. The discovery was monumental because the ...

High-speed photos shine a light on how metals fail

How things deform and break is important for engineers, as it helps them choose and design what materials they're going to use for building things. Researchers at Aalto University and Tampere University have stretched metal ...

Looking for pieces of Venus? Try the moon

A growing body of research suggests the planet Venus may have had an Earth-like environment billions of years ago, with water and a thin atmosphere.

Machine learning speeds up quantum chemistry calculations

Quantum chemistry, the study of chemical properties and processes at the quantum scale, has opened many paths to research and discovery in modern chemistry. Without ever handling a beaker or a test tube, chemists can make ...

Evidence found of massacre in Iron Age village

A team of researchers from the University of Oxford, Arkikus, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Instituto Alavés de Arqueología, has found evidence of an ancient massacre in an Iron Age village. In their paper published in the journal ...

Paleontologists identify new species of mosasaur

A new species of an ancient marine reptile evolved to strike terror into the hearts of the normally safe, fast-swimming fish has been identified by a team of University of Alberta researchers, shedding light on what it took ...

Could we build a Blade Runner-style 'replicant'?

The new Blade Runner sequel will return us to a world where sophisticated androids made with organic body parts can match the strength and emotions of their human creators. As someone who builds biologically inspired robots, ...

Safety assistance system warns of dirty bombs

The threat of terrorism in Europe has been on the rise in recent years, with experts and politicians particularly worried that terrorists might make use of dirty bombs. Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new system that ...

Looking inside the basset horn

The internal structure of old musical instruments is of great interest to musicians, restorers, and instrument makers. As part of the MUSICES project, Fraunhofer researchers are using 3-D computed tomography methods to examine ...

How to create a cyber secure home

As technology becomes more important in our personal lives, so does securing it. Here are some fundamental steps you should always take to help protect yourself and your family.

15 new gecko species discovered in Myanmar

With support from Fauna & Flora International (FFI), 15 karst-adapted gecko species were recently found in Myanmar within the space of just two weeks, highlighting the outstanding biodiversity of limestone ecosystems.

Colourful dunes on wind-swept Mars

Dunes are prominent indicators of prevailing winds, as can be seen on this crater floor on Mars, imaged by ESA's Mars Express on 16 May.