Planetary Sciences

Atmospheric oxidation and the creation of modern Mars

Like Earth, Mars was formed about 4.5 billion years ago, but its early surface was very different than today's. Mars' surface then had high rates of meteorite and asteroid impacts from the period known as the Late Heavy Bombardment. ...

Quantum Physics

Study explores the physical origin of errors in a spin qubit processor

To achieve remarkable performances, quantum computing systems based on multiple qubits must attain high-fidelity entanglement between their underlying qubits. Past studies have shown that solid-state quantum platforms—quantum ...

Archaeologists discover Armenia's oldest church

Archaeologists from the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia and the University of Münster have discovered the remains of a previously unknown early Christian church in the ancient city of Artaxata. The find consists ...

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Tech Xplore

AI-trained vehicles can adjust to extreme turbulence on the fly

In nature, flying animals sense coming changes in their surroundings, including the onset of sudden turbulence, and quickly adjust to stay safe. Engineers who design aircraft would like to give their vehicles the same ability ...

Trio wins economics Nobel for work on wealth inequality

The Nobel prize in economics was awarded on Monday to Turkish-American Daron Acemoglu and British-Americans Simon Johnson and James Robinson for research into wealth inequality between nations.

Astronomers observe a strong superflare from giant star

Using the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) and various ground-based telescopes, an international team of astronomers have performed observations of a strong X-ray superflare which occurred in 2022 on a giant ...

Scientists slow aging by engineering longevity in cells

Human lifespan is related to the aging of our individual cells. Three years ago a group of University of California San Diego researchers deciphered essential mechanisms behind the aging process. After identifying two distinct ...

Fish navigation found to be more 'environment-centric'

In a recent paper, "Boundary Vector Cells in the Goldfish Central Telencephalon Encode Spatial Information," published in PLOS One, researchers at Ben-Gurion University in Israel and the Institut de Biologie de l'École Normale ...

Unraveling the mathematics behind wiggly worm knots

For millennia, humans have used knots for all kinds of reasons—to tie rope, braid hair, or weave fabrics. But there are organisms that are better at tying knots and far superior—and faster—at untangling them.

Wine: New and old vs emerging and established

For decades, the primary division in the world of wine was between the "Old World" of European wines and the "New World" of North America, Australia ND New Zealand, South Africa, and elsewhere. There is a need to update this ...

Moth balls thrust satellites into space

The chemical in moth balls, naphthalene, will be tested in space in a new satellite rocket propulsion system, Bogong, developed at The Australian National University (ANU).

Deep-learning model speeds extreme weather predictions

Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing humanity today. To help address this, researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), Caltech, and NVIDIA trained the Fourier Neural Operator ...

Bird singing contests: A clash of culture and conservation

For thousands  of years, people have been keeping wild birds. It is often a deeply ingrained part of the culture. One of the more recent trends to emerge from this practice is the singing contest which pits male birds against ...

Nature or nurture: How does an animal get its microbiome?

We know that sharks are voracious eaters, but what do we know about the source of its microbiome? To date, not much. But a recent study from the University of Chicago and the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) fills a gap ...

Meet the new climate refugee in town: Coyotes

Amid the sylvan tranquility of the Berkeley hills neighborhood, an image of a snarling predator, fangs bared, stares down at passers-by from atop a pole planted in the yard of a sprawling Tudor-style home. "Danger! "Coyotes!" ...