
A simpler method to teach robots new skills

While roboticists have introduced increasingly sophisticated systems over the past decades, teaching these systems to successfully and reliably tackle new tasks has often proved challenging. Part of this training entails ...

Computer Sciences

People struggle to tell humans apart from ChatGPT in five-minute chat conversations, tests show

Large language models (LLMs), such as the GPT-4 model underpinning the widely used conversational platform ChatGPT, have surprised users with their ability to understand written prompts and generate suitable responses in ...

Some CRISPR screens may be missing cancer drug targets

CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing has made possible a multitude of biomedical experiments, including studies that systematically turn off genes in cancer cells to look for ones that the cancer cells heavily depend on to survive and ...

Discovery may explain pancreatic cancer's cellular amnesia

Things aren't always as they seem. Take pancreatic cancer, for example. In up to one in 10 cases, researchers have documented a peculiar characteristic. Some of the pancreatic cells appear to have lost their identity. It's ...

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Tech Xplore

Quantum entangled photons react to Earth's spin

A team of researchers led by Philip Walther at the University of Vienna carried out a pioneering experiment where they measured the effect of the rotation of Earth on quantum entangled photons. The work, published in Science ...

Researchers map genome of the last living wild horse species

University of Minnesota researchers have successfully mapped the complete genome of the endangered Przewalski's horse. Once extinct in the wild, the species now has a population of around 2,000 animals thanks to conservation ...

Physicists speed up droplet-wrapping process

Experimental physicists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst today report that they have developed a fast, dynamic new process for wrapping liquid droplets in ultrathin polymer sheets, so what once was a painstaking ...

CRISPR-based technology can detect viral DNA

A powerful genome editing tool can be deployed as an ace DNA detective, able to sniff out DNA snippets that signal viral infections, cancer, or even defective genes.

System draws power from daily temperature swings

Thermoelectric devices, which can generate power when one side of the device is a different temperature from the other, have been the subject of much research in recent years. Now, a team at MIT has come up with a novel way ...

Supermassive black holes are outgrowing their galaxies

The growth of the biggest black holes in the Universe is outrunning the rate of formation of stars in the galaxies they inhabit, according to two new studies using data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and other telescopes ...

Fingerprints of quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a key feature of quantum computing. Yet, how can researchers verify that a quantum computer actually incorporates large-scale entanglement? Conventional methods require a large number of repeated measurements, ...

Kepler scientists discover almost 100 new exoplanets

Based on data from NASA's K2 mission, an international team of scientists has confirmed nearly 100 new exoplanets. This brings the total number of new exoplanets found with the K2 mission up to almost 300.

Stem cell vaccine immunizes lab mice against multiple cancers

Stanford University researchers report that injecting mice with inactivated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) launched a strong immune response against breast, lung, and skin cancers. The vaccine also prevented relapses ...

New natural supplement relieves canine arthritis

Arthritis pain in dogs can be relieved, with no side effects, by a new product based on medicinal plants and dietary supplements that was developed at the University of Montreal's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. "While acupuncture ...

Estonia aiming to be a global e-commerce superpower

The small Baltic country of Estonia hopes digital innovation will turn it into a global superpower in e-commerce by offering foreigners e-residency IDs, and opening the door to doing business online throughout the European ...

'Warcraft' film teased at BlizzCon expo

Orcs won't just be sword fodder in the upcoming film adaptation of the Blizzard video game franchise "Warcraft." The snarling green-skinned creatures will be respected just as much as the human characters from the fantasy ...

USDA approves GMO potato designed by Simplot

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved commercial planting of a potato that is genetically modified to resist bruising and to produce less of a chemical that has caused cancer in animals.

Fishing countries to discuss bluefin quotas

Against the backdrop of an apparent Atlantic bluefin tuna recovery, fishing nations gather in Genoa, Italy, next week to set new limits, closely watched by environmental groups and scientists.