September 19, 2023

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Researchers issue urgent call to save the world's largest flower, Rafflesia, from extinction

A rare glimpse into the interior of Rafflesia arnoldii. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
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A rare glimpse into the interior of Rafflesia arnoldii. Credit: Chris Thorogood.

An international group of scientists, including botanists at the University of Oxford's Botanic Garden, has issued an urgent call for coordinated action to save the iconic genus Rafflesia, which contains the world's largest flowers. This follows a new study that found that most of the 42 species are severely threatened, yet just one of these is listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)'s Red List of Threatened Species. Furthermore, over two-thirds (67%) of the plants' habitats are unprotected and at risk of destruction.

The work is published in Plants, People, Planet.

Rafflesia, one of the greatest botanical enigmas, has aroused curiosity among scientists for centuries. The plant is a parasite that infects tropical vines in jungles across Southeast Asia (Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand). For most of its lifecycle, Rafflesia is hidden from sight, existing as a system of thread-like filaments that invades its host. At unpredictable intervals, the parasite produces a cabbage-like bud that breaks through the vine's bark and eventually forms a giant, five-lobed flower, up to a meter across. This produces a foul scent of rotting meat to attract pollinating flies, earning it the alternative name "corpse flower."

With such an elusive lifecycle, Rafflesia remains poorly understood, and new species are still being recorded. To better understand the vulnerability of these unique plants, a group of scientists established the first coordinated global network to assess the threats facing Rafflesia.

The results of the study found that all 42 Rafflesia species are under threat. Based on the criteria used by the IUCN, the scientists classified 25 as "critically endangered," 15 as "endangered," and two as "vulnerable." Furthermore, over two-thirds (67%) are unprotected by regional or national conservation strategies.

Dang Zul, Village Leader, with Rafflesia bengkuluensis in Sumatra illustrated in pencil by Chris Thorogood. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
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Dang Zul, Village Leader, with Rafflesia bengkuluensis in Sumatra illustrated in pencil by Chris Thorogood. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
Rafflesia bengkuluensis with its custodians in Sumatra. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
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Rafflesia bengkuluensis with its custodians in Sumatra. Credit: Chris Thorogood.

Rafflesia species often have highly restricted distributions, making them particularly vulnerable to habitat destruction. The study found that many of the remaining populations contain only a few individuals located in unprotected areas at critical risk of conversion for agriculture. Since attempts to propagate Rafflesia in have had limited success so far, this makes habitat conservation an urgent priority.

To address these threats, the researchers recommend that all Rafflesia species be immediately added to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Currently just one is listed: Rafflesia magnifica.

The team propose a four-point action plan for governments, research centers, and conservation organizations:

Rafflesia bengkuluensis, Sumatra. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
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Rafflesia bengkuluensis, Sumatra. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
Rafflesia kemumu in the rainforest of Sumatra. Credit: Chris Thorogood.
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Rafflesia kemumu in the rainforest of Sumatra. Credit: Chris Thorogood.

Despite the challenges, the study also highlighted valuable success stories that could offer important insights for Rafflesia conservation elsewhere. For instance:

Dr. Chris Thorogood, Deputy Director of the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and an author of the study, said, "This new study highlights how the global conservation efforts geared towards plants—however iconic—have lagged behind those of animals. We urgently need a joined-up, cross-regional approach to save some of the world's most remarkable flowers, most of which are now on the brink of being lost."

Adriane Tobias, forester from the Philippines, added, "Indigenous peoples are some of the best guardians of our forests, and Rafflesia conservation programs are far more likely to be successful if they engage . Rafflesia has the potential to be a new icon for in the Asian tropics."

More information: Most of the world's largest flowers (genus Rafflesia) are now on the brink of extinction, Plants, People, Planet (2023). DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10431

Journal information: Plants, People, Planet

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