Between light and darkness: How plants optimize photosynthesis under changing light conditions

Between light and darkness: How plants optimize photosynthesis under changing light conditions
Environmental acclimation adjusts steady-state photosynthesis and thylakoid pigment composition. (a) Arabidopsis thaliana wild-type (WT) was grown in 12 h : 12 h, light : dark cycles under constant growth light (flat day, FD) at indicated intensities (low, FDL; medium, FDM; and high, FDH), dynamic growth light (dynamic day, DD) with varying degrees of light fluctuations (sinusoidal, DDS; step-wise fluctuating, DDF; sinusoidal with random light fluctuations, DDSF) or natural growth conditions in a polytunnel (natural day; ND1 and ND2). Humidity and temperature, as well as light spectra, can be found in Fig. S1. Average and variable photon flux densities (PFDmean and PFDvar, respectively) are displayed (see Fig. S1; Table S1 for additional information). (b) PSII quantum efficiency (ΦPSII, upper panel) at 700 μmol photons m−2 s−1 and gross assimilation rate (Ag, lower panel) at 900 μmol photons m−2 s−1 correlate positively with PFDmean as the main factor as determined by multiple regression analysis (MRA). PFDmean for ND was set as average of 3 d before the measurement. Averages of n = 5–7 ± SE are shown. (c) Levels of photoprotective xanthophylls (VAZ, sum of violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, zeaxanthin, and upper panel) and their de-epoxidation state (DEPS, lower panel) correlate positively with PFDvar as the main factor. Averages of n = 4 ± SE are shown. Thylakoid pigment content can be found in Table S3. For thylakoid isolation, plants were removed from the growth chamber at 2 h after start of the light period and harvest of whole rosettes was performed in the laboratory at room light. (b, c) The middle line and the lower and upper boundaries of the box represent the median and the 25th and 75th percentile, respectively. Whiskers extend to the maximum and minimum. An ANCOVA was used to determine the effects of PFDmean and PFDvar on the displayed parameters. The main factor is indicated on top of the panels with ***, P < 0.0001. Different lower case letters indicate significant differences between the light treatments. Credit: New Phytologist (2022). DOI: 10.1111/nph.18534

For research, plants are frequently grown under stable lighting, which does not reflect natural conditions. In a series of experiments with changing light conditions, simulating the natural interplay of light and shadow, researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology in Potsdam-Golm (Germany) and the College of Natural Science at Michigan State University (U.S.) reveal the importance of two key proteins for the dynamic control of photosynthesis. The study was recently published in the journal New Phytologist.

Plants perform photosynthesis to grow. In this process they use energy from sunlight, release oxygen, and produce carbohydrates, which are the basic food resource for all humans and almost all animals on earth. Under , light availability can change rapidly in a very short time.

One of the main reasons are clouds which provide light and shadow as they pass in front of the sun. Plant leaves and branches can also temporarily provide shade when they are moved by the wind. Plants cannot move from shade to sun when light is limited, and conversely, cannot evade from sun to shade when exposed to too much sunlight. They have to respond to changing in other ways.

Just like for humans, too much sunlight is harmful to plants. In particular, a rapid change between faint and intense light is problematic. Like the retina in our eyes, plants use molecules in their leaves to capture light particles. When light is low, these light traps are very efficient at catching as much of the low light as possible.

If light conditions suddenly change, too much light energy might reach the plant. This energy can overload or damage the sensitive photosynthetic apparatus inside the plant cells. Accordingly, plants have to constantly adapt their photosynthetic activity to their in order to obtain maximum light yield on the one hand, but avoid being harmed by too much light on the other hand.

To date, plants in greenhouses and laboratories are grown almost exclusively under stable and uniform light conditions. Therefore, our understanding of how adaptation to changing light conditions works is very limited. In the worst case, this can lead to plants that are growing well in laboratories and greenhouses but suddenly perform much worse than expected when cultured in the field.

Regulation of photosynthesis under changing light conditions

The researchers around Dr. Ute Armbruster from the MPI-MP in Potsdam-Golm and David Kramer from the College of Natural Science at Michigan State University (U.S.) examined the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana for their study. Plants were grown under a wide variety of conditions including static, fluctuating and .

The study focused on two ion transport proteins called VCCN1 and KEA3 which play a key role in dynamically adjusting photosynthetic performance. It is known from earlier studies that VCCN1 activates sun protection if the light suddenly becomes too strong. When the light intensity decreases, the second protein KEA3 quickly breaks down this sun protection so that the plant can catch more light again. However, the two proteins VCCN1 and KEA3 have never been examined under realistic light conditions.

The researchers used an innovative new approach to measure photosynthesis in combination with a targeted use of gene knockouts—i.e. plants whose genes for VCCN1 and KEA3 have been switched off. They show that the activities of the proteins VCCN1 and KEA3 depend on the light conditions the plants were raised in.

Following suggestions by the head of the Plant Cultivation Infrastructure Group, Dr. Karin Köhl, the researchers focused on two growth-related light factors in the analysis and were able to show that both the amount of light a plant receives, and the frequency of light fluctuations have a strong influence on the function of the two ion transporters. The protective function of VCCN1 is only important in plants previously grown under low light.

On the other hand, KEA3 which abolishes protection, was even active in high light periods when the plants were grown under conditions with elevated light intensities. Sun protection also depends on the degree of light fluctuations the plants are exposed to. When light conditions change significantly, produce the orange pigment zeaxanthin, which is also involved in sun protection. The production of this sunscreen is suppressed by KEA3 under high light conditions as well.

"Our study shows that we should not look separately at the effect of growth light and the rapid responses to light fluctuations," said study lead author Thekla von Bismarck. "The integration of multiple time scales and metabolic levels in an increasingly complex manner will be a major future challenge for crop research. This will provide key ideas to improve crop yields in the field."

More information: Thekla von Bismarck et al, Light acclimation interacts with thylakoid ion transport to govern the dynamics of photosynthesis in Arabidopsis, New Phytologist (2022). DOI: 10.1111/nph.18534

Journal information: New Phytologist

Provided by Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie

Citation: Between light and darkness: How plants optimize photosynthesis under changing light conditions (2022, November 16) retrieved 11 July 2024 from
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