October 21, 2009 weblog
Gyrowheel to keep new bike riders upright (w/ Video)
(PhysOrg.com) -- A new device called the Gyrowheel could soon revolutionize the way children learn to ride bicycles, and they will be able to learn on their own, without training wheels, and in as little as half an hour.
The Gyrowheel has a fast spinning disk inside that can spin for up to three hours on a full charge of its built-in rechargeable NiMH battery. The spinning disk is completely enclosed for safety. The Gyrowheel replaces the front wheel of the child's bike, and the spinning disk inside keeps the bike upright and stable, even when a wobbling child is aboard.
The Gyrowheel has three speeds, with the highest speed being the most stable. At this speed the wheel is able to resist knocks and shoves even when it is stationary, and without a bicycle attached can travel upright, letting itself down gently when it stops. The gyroscope gives the bicycle high stability even at very slow speeds.
More information: Official website: www.thegyrobike.com/
Update 12/09/2009: The wheels are now available for purchase through the Gyrobike website.
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