Desperately seeking...

Sunday's Academy Awards clearly left many of us wanting more. Here are five hot Oscar-related search terms from Monday, as tracked by Google Trends:

• "Ben Stiller as Joaquin Phoenix"

Comedian/presenter Stiller showed up on stage spoofing actor/rapper Phoenix's recent appearance with David Letterman. Funny and nearly spot-on, except for one detail: Stiller knew where he was.

• "Jennifer Aniston Academy Award"

Only if they add the category "best casting of Jennifer Aniston in a romantic comedy just like the last romantic comedy starring Jennifer Aniston."

• "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto"

Classic Styx lyric invoked by Kunio Kato at the conclusion of his acceptance speech for best animated short. And thank you, Mr. Kato, for perhaps the night's funniest line.

• "Angelina Jolie"

Best actress nominee and beau Brad Pitt, a best actor nominee, went home without Oscars. Undaunted, they've decided to adopt one instead.

• "Oscars worst dressed"

And the award goes to ... Reese Witherspoon, whose dress was nonetheless perfect for the occasion. If the occasion were Mardi Gras.


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Citation: Desperately seeking... (2009, February 24) retrieved 11 September 2024 from
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