Study shows how to get sprayed metal coatings to stick

When bonding two pieces of metal, either the metals must melt a bit where they meet or some molten metal must be introduced between the pieces. A solid bond then forms when the metal solidifies again. But researchers at MIT ...

3-D experiments shed new light on shape memory alloys

Shape memory alloys are well known for their remarkable properties—superelasticity, shape memory and actuation allow them to be crumpled up and then spring back to a "remembered" original shape.

A silver lining for extreme electronics

Tomorrow's cutting-edge technology will need electronics that can tolerate extreme conditions. That's why a group of researchers led by Michigan State University's Jason Nicholas is building stronger circuits today.

Zentropy and the art of creating new ferroelectric materials

Systems in the universe trend toward disorder, with only applied energy keeping the chaos at bay. The concept is called entropy, and examples can be found everywhere: ice melting, campfire burning, water boiling. Zentropy ...

Strength in numbers for 3-D printing

Additive manufacturing, also called 3-D printing, is commonly used to build complex three-dimensional objects, layer by layer. A*STAR researchers have shown that the process can also help to make a high-performance alloy ...

Discovery of increase in magnetic moment at grain boundaries

The NIMS Structural Materials Unit, in joint research with a group at the Kumamoto University Graduate School of Science and Technology, experimentally measured the 3-D electronic state of pure iron and discovered a phenomenon ...

Testing the shelf-life of nuclear reactors

Researchers at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls and TerraPower based in Bellevue, Washington, have demonstrated the power of high-energy beams of ...

Manufacturing – Improved welding

Oxide removal for welding can be laborious and costly, yet results from a new study indicate the preparation may be unnecessary for certain solid-state joining.

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