Mangroves and seagrasses absorb microplastics

Mangroves and seagrasses grow in many places along the coasts of the world, and these 'blue forests' constitute an important environment for a large number of animals. Here, juvenile fish can hide until they are big enough ...

Simulation reveals molecular footprint of organic air pollutants

Joining the global effort to curb air pollution, researchers at Texas A&M University have developed computational tools to accurately assess the footprint of certain organic atmospheric pollutants. Their simulation, described ...

Ozone causes skin to emit tiny airborne particles

Air pollution is responsible for 7 million premature deaths around the world every year, according to the World Health Organization. That's roughly the same number of people who die from smoking or malnutrition. The damaging ...

Lettuce takes up toxic additives from tire wear

Wind, sewage sludge, and waste water carry tire wear particles from roads onto farmland. A new lab study shows that the pollutants contained in the particles could get into the vegetables grown there. Researchers at the Center ...

Assessment of methane emissions from onshore LNG facilities

Scientists at NPL have performed measurements using its DIAL facility to better quantify the oil and gas industry's contribution to global methane emissions. Results from the study have been published in Environmental Science ...

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