Study finds sulfate pollution impacts Texas gulf coast air

Sitting on the beach, taking in the breeze, you might think the sea air is better for you than its inland equivalent. But researchers at the University of Houston have found that the air along the Gulf of Mexico coast in ...

'Forever chemicals' latch onto sea spray to become airborne

When ocean waves break, microscopic particles break free into the air. For beachgoers, aerosolized sea salts contribute to the tousled "beach hair" look. But other compounds found in seawater, including perfluoroalkyl substances ...

Nanomaterial boosts potency of coronavirus disinfectants

The use of peroxide-based disinfectants has grown with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, the extensive use of chemical disinfectants to kill viruses and other pathogens can also threaten human health and ecosystems.

New research shows link between climate change and immune health

Climate change may be impacting our immune systems, a study from the University of Bergen, Norway, shows. This research brings into focus the intricate interplay between environmental factors, microbial communities and their ...

Combatting air pollution with nature

Air pollution is composed of particles and gases that can have negative impacts on both the environment and human health. Technologies to mitigate pollution have become widespread in recent years, but scientists are now exploring ...

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