Particle phase chemistry enables soot to better seed clouds

Highly oxygenated organic molecules are a key component of atmospheric secondary organic aerosol. However, the origin and formation mechanism of highly oxygenated organic molecules with high unsaturation (HU-HOMs), remain ...

A milestone on the path towards efficient solar cells

Scientists at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) are currently working on a joint research project to generate more electricity from solar cells and conduct further research into so-called singlet fission ...

Chemists give chance a helping hand

Whether they are synthetic materials such as PET and Teflon, medicines or flavourings, life without synthetically produced compounds is barely conceivable. The chemical industry depends on efficient, long-term methods of ...

Research powers longer lasting rechargeable batteries

With the continuous improvement of electronics, the development of high-energy power supplies has become a key link in the future development of science and technology. However, the shortage of lithium resources and the difficulty ...

A chemical embrace from the perfect host

An industrial process that currently consumes vast amounts of energy in petrochemical plants around the globe could be replaced by an alternative process so efficient that it requires no heating or elevated pressure.

Fluorescence patterns aid medical diagnostics

Standard medical imaging readily detects most solid brain cancers, one third of which are gliomas. Unfortunately, two complex surgeries are often necessary. But now, researchers from Japan may have devised a way to perform ...

Scientists achieve the first stable simulations of DNA crystals

Since the birth of structural biology, X-ray crystallography has been the most widely used technique to determine the three-dimensional structure of biomolecules, the chemical compounds found in living organisms. In this ...

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