Why some people are mosquito magnets

It's impossible to hide from a female mosquito—she will hunt down any member of the human species by tracking our CO2 exhalations, body heat, and body odor. But some of us are distinct "mosquito magnets" who get more than ...

An insect pest acquires multiple plant genes

The silverleaf whitefly is a major crop pest in the tropics and subtropics. After studying its genome, an INRAE researcher and a CNRS researcher identified 49 plant genes transferred to the insect's own genome.

How genes share their workspace

Layers of gene control allow DNA to flexibly add new information. Genes and their genetic switches are organized into functional units to turn genes on or off just as needed. Disrupting these units can lead to disease, but ...

A better way to find RNA virus needles in database haystacks

A zoo once offered a coloring book featuring polar bears in winter scenes that came with crayons in various shades of white. To researchers searching for sequences of RNA viruses in large data sets, their work may be akin ...

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