Angewandte Chemie is a weekly peer-reviewed scientific journal that covers all aspects of chemistry. Its impact factor was 12.730 in 2010, the highest value for a chemistry-specific journal that publishes original research. It is a journal of the German Chemical Society and is published by Wiley-VCH. Besides original research in the form of short communications, the journal contains review-type articles (reviews, minireviews, essays, highlights), and a magazine section (news, obituaries, book reviews, conference reports). Colloquially, the journal is simply called "Angewandte". "Angewandte Chemie" is German for "applied chemistry", although this translation no longer accurately describes the scope of the journal.

John Wiley & Sons Wiley-VCH
1887-present (in German), 1962–present (in English)
Impact factor
12.730 (2010)

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Shaping the future of polymer nanocarriers

Scientists have taken a significant step towards the development of tailor-made chiral nanocarriers with controllable release properties. These nanocarriers, inspired by nature's helical molecules like DNA and proteins, hold ...

New method links graphene nanolayers for tougher, elastic films

Layers of carbon atoms in a honeycomb array are a true supermaterial: their unusually high conductivity and favorable mechanical properties could further the development of bendable electronics, new batteries, and innovative ...

Designer peptoids mimic nature's helices

Nature is filled with extraordinarily precise molecular shapes that fit together like a hand in glove. Proteins, for example, can assemble into a wide variety of well-defined shapes that grant them their function.

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