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Endangered gazelles find Libyan 'safe haven'

Cocooned in white bags and nestled in the arms of volunteers, eight young rhim gazelles—an endangered species native to North Africa—have been transferred to an uninhabited Libyan island.

Using fire management to see how ticks... tick

The morning alarm goes off, and it's time to get ready for work. Ph.D. student Samuel Gilvarg has already pretreated his clothes with permethrin insecticide. All that's left is to pull his socks up and over his pant legs.

Protecting your pig from diamond skin disease

Everybody wants to find a diamond in the rough, but no one wants their pig to develop diamond skin disease—an infection that can cause pain and discomfort and may lead to death if left untreated.

More news

Plants & Animals
Bat evolution study supports gliding-to-flying hypothesis
Plants & Animals
Biologists discover human-infecting parasite produces sterile soldiers like ants and termites
Plants & Animals
Researchers record first-ever images and data of a shark being struck by a boat
Plants & Animals
Female whale shark with satellite transmitter for record-breaking four years shows consistent migrations
Plants & Animals
Komodo dragons have teeth coated in iron to kill prey, study finds
Plants & Animals
There's a new top fish of the Columbia River, and it doesn't mind the warm water
Plants & Animals
Study shows chickens use flushed skin and feather fluffing to display different emotions, levels of excitement
Plants & Animals
Research shows the ocean is becoming too loud for oysters
Plants & Animals
New way to analyze riblet denticles on modern great white sharks sheds light on swimming speed
Plants & Animals
Wild raccoons are flexible learners, puzzle box study shows
Plants & Animals
The aroma of tomato resistance—discovery of a new compound to protect from bacteria and drought
Plants & Animals
Lab and field tests suggest snails like red and dislike garlic
Plants & Animals
Russia's war in Ukraine has been devastating for animals—but they've also given the nation reason for hope
Plants & Animals
Seabirds are threatened by trawl fisheries, study finds
Plants & Animals
When it comes to butterflies, people prefer pretty ones: That's a problem for scientists.
Plants & Animals
Study shows egg-laying mammals are unique, inside and out
Plants & Animals
The unintended consequences of success against malaria
Plants & Animals
Cocaine found in muscle and liver of sharpnose sharks off coast of Rio de Janeiro
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Butterflies accumulate enough static electricity to attract pollen without contact, research finds
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When searching for light and a mate in the deep, dark sea, male dragonfish grow larger eyes, scientists discover

Other news

New research shows how global warming is messing with our rainfall
A cave discovered on the moon opens up new opportunities for settlement by humans
Social Sciences
Experiments reveal that image memorability can sharpen our sense of time
Saturday Citations: E-bike accident spike; epigenetics in memory formation; Komodo dragons now scarier
Space Exploration
Spacecraft to swing by Earth, moon on path to Jupiter
Materials Science
New process uses light and enzymes to create greener chemicals
Outsourcing conservation in Africa: NGO management reduces poaching and boosts tourism, but raises risks for civilians
Soft Matter
Exploring what happens when different spherical objects hit the water
Earth Sciences
New study disputes Hunga Tonga volcano's role in 2023–24 global warm-up
Communicating numbers boosts trust in climate change science, research suggests
General Physics
Physicists introduce method for mechanical detection of individual nuclear decays
Study sheds more light on the nature of pulsar PSR J1227−6208
Twisted carbon nanotubes could achieve significantly better energy storage than advanced lithium-ion batteries
Soft Matter
New self-powered electrostatic tweezer enhances object manipulation and microfluidics
Analytical Chemistry
Raman spectroscopy offers new insights into ionic liquid acidity
Soft Matter
Team develops novel hybrid scheme for compressible flow computations
3D models show dolphins already used narrow-band sound waves for orientation 5 million years ago
General Physics
Balancing instability and robustness: New mathematical framework for dynamics of natural systems
Earth Sciences
How a warming Arctic is accelerating global climate change
Planetary Sciences
Kepler's 1607 pioneering sunspot sketches solve solar mysteries 400 years later

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New data confirms swift parrot population fears

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