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The mystery of human wrinkles: What do the cells say?

A research team consisting of Professor Dong Sung Kim, Professor Anna Lee, and Dr. Jaeseung Youn from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at POSTECH has successfully recreated the structure of wrinkles in biological ...

Do bacteria age?

Any organism that lives, grows and reproduces must also age. People often think of aging in the physical sense—gray hair, slowed movements and wrinkles—but aging fundamentally occurs on a molecular level, inside of cells.

Scientists decipher the energy patterns in our cells

Our cells harness energy for essential functions such as division, wound healing, and our immune response to diseases including cancer. But until now, the mechanics of how that energy affects cell behavior—and how this ...

CRISPR/Cas9 modifies Euglena to create potential biofuel source

News about biofuels sometimes mentions used cooking oil as a feedstock, but if these substances contain animal fat, they can solidify in colder temperatures. This happens because, chemically, the fatty acids of these and ...

How bacteria actively use passive physics to make biofilms

When we think about bacteria, we may imagine single cells swimming in solution. However, similarly to humans, bacterial cells often socialize, using surfaces to coalesce into complex heterogeneous communities called biofilms. ...

More news

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International team discovers new process for cells to repair DNA damage
Cell & Microbiology
Researchers develop new technique to watch microbial populations interact
Plants & Animals
Respiratory biology study finds zebrafish use tastebuds to measure oxygen levels in water
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Killer toxins produced by yeast may help remedy a craft beer brewing bother
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Researchers aim to control gene expression by studying the memories of cells
Cell & Microbiology
Biobots arise from the cells of dead organisms—pushing the boundaries of life, death and medicine
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New research on plant stem cells shines light on how plants grow stronger
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Newly discovered antimicrobial could prevent or treat cholera
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Beyond needles: Introducing a new, nature-based approach for delivering cargo into egg cells
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How the oceans' most abundant bacteria impact global nutrient flows
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How proteins bind to closed regions of the genome to facilitate cell differentiation and development
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Elucidating the mechanism underlying de novo membrane formation during gametogenesis
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Report recommends 'highly ambitious enterprise' to create UK microbiome biobank
Researchers find live fungi, bacteria and viruses high in the Earth's atmosphere
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Study proves transfer of feline coronavirus between domestic and wild cats
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How viruses move through insects for transmission of diseases
Cell & Microbiology
Seed experiments reveal ways to bolster consistent food crops, reduce waste
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Imaging-based biomarker set to quantify aging at a cellular level
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Researchers identify new tools for anti-Acinetobacter drug development and AMR preparedness
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With AI, extreme microbe reveals how life's building blocks adapt to high pressure

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Could interstellar quantum communications involve Earth or solve the Fermi paradox?
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Can captive tigers be part of the effort to save wild populations?
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The relationship between emotions and economic decision-making differs across countries, multi-national analysis finds
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Researchers build AI model database to find new alloys for nuclear fusion facilities
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Findings hint at a superfluid phase in ²⁹F and ²⁸O
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Greylag geese with similar personalities have higher hatching success, study suggests
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Tropical cyclone intensity exacerbated by increasing depth of ocean mixed layer, finds study
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Are cows pickier than goats? Answers from innovative large-scale feeding experiments from 275 years ago
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How viruses move through insects for transmission of diseases

Viruses are master parasites that have adapted to infect many host species. Some viruses even use multiple hosts to spread their infections—such as arboviruses that use insects to move their infections to mammalian hosts ...