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Japanese island eradicates rabbit-killing mongoose

Japan has wiped out all mongooses on a subtropical island, officials said, after the animals ignored the venomous snakes they were brought in to hunt and preyed on endangered local rabbits instead.

Diagnosing oak wilt with the naked eye

University of Minnesota researchers developed a groundbreaking method for the rapid and accurate detection of oak wilt, a devastating disease threatening oak trees across North America. The disease is widespread in east-central ...

Hawk defies expectations in the face of habitat decline

Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo regalis) that spend their winters in California seem to be going up in number, yet their preferred grassland habitat has been declining for over 20 years. Most other grassland bird species are, sadly, ...

New species of pāua found

The naming of a new species of pāua further highlights the importance of biodiversity research in Aotearoa. Described in a study led by the University of Otago—Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka and the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa ...

Organic farms can double plant diversity—but only with time

It takes a long time, up to several decades, before the benefits of organic farming take full effect on land that was previously cultivated conventionally, a new study from Lund University suggests. After thirty years, the ...

New marine species found 'hidden' in plain sight

An international team of researchers delved into museum collections and discovered new species of sponge-associated zoantharian, a small colonial organism similar to anemones.

More news

Geoinformatics: Using AI to take better aim against mosquitoes
Plants & Animals
Yosemite National Park: Crews restore damaged landscape back to conditions not seen in 150 years
Scientists study mysterious invader in the Chesapeake Bay's largest underwater grass bed
Harnessing AI to fight global deforestation
One of the last California condors in Zion National Park dies from lead poisoning
A celebrity 'Russian spy' whale spotted with harness found dead in Norwegian waters
As wolves swoop, Austrians grab guns for contested cull
Ancient viral genomes preserved in glaciers reveal climate history—and how viruses adapt to climate change
Study finds RNA molecule controls butterfly wing coloration
Plants & Animals
Investigation reveals global fisheries are in far worse shape than we thought—and many have already collapsed
Plants & Animals
Why every island's wildlife ends up looking alike
Plants & Animals
Why seagulls don't want your chips as much as you might think
Understanding how human activity impacts zooplankton is essential for managing and protecting lakewater
New species of Antarctic dragonfish highlights its threatened ecosystem
Hunt for rare bird shows how Ecuador narco violence impedes research
Biodiversity loss: Many students of environment-related subjects are partly unaware of the causes
Plants & Animals
Groups of weaver birds found to have their own distinct nest-building styles
Plants & Animals
Heat waves impair bumblebees' ability to detect floral scents, study finds
Australian sauna helps save frogs from flesh-eating fungus
Plants & Animals
Uncovering the secret communication of marmoset monkeys: They have names

Other news

Astronomers investigate the nature of a bright low-mass X-ray binary system
Plasma Physics
Measuring the gamma-ray-to-neutron branching ratio in the deuterium-tritium reaction
Bio & Medicine
Scientists use magnetic nanotech to safely rewarm frozen tissues for transplant
Analytical Chemistry
Assorted, distinctive behavior of molten uranium salt revealed by neutrons
Beef industry can reduce emissions by up to 30%, says new research
New cataclysmic variable system discovered
Space Exploration
SpaceX Polaris Dawn mission set to launch early Friday
General Physics
Supercomputer simulations provide new insights into calcium-48's controversial nuclear magnetic excitation
Earth Sciences
Tropical forests face increased soil carbon loss due to climate change
Cell & Microbiology
Drosophila study discovers mechanism that could control longevity, cancer cell production
Optics & Photonics
The world's fastest single-shot 2D imaging technique films ultrafast dynamics in flames
Cell & Microbiology
Preventing cell damage: Working principle of proton-activated chloride channels revealed
Bio & Medicine
Bioengineers develop protein assembly road map for nature-derived nanobubbles
Plants & Animals
New knowledge about a fungus that turns 60–80% of the flies in your home into zombies
Social Sciences
Simulation study explores how gift giving drives social change
Social Sciences
How new words arise in social media
Quantum Physics
Cold-atom simulator demonstrates quantum entanglement between electronic and motional states
Analytical Chemistry
New method sheds light on the hidden world of solvation shells
Paleontology & Fossils
Kākāpō, not kiwi, are the true ancient species of Aotearoa, say paleontologists
Social Sciences
The right to be wrong: How context or human rationality may influence our decisions

Ladybugs: Understanding the beneficial predators among us

Lady beetles, also known as ladybugs, are distinct, varied and abundant, with approximately 500 species in North America and 6,000 worldwide. Their oval, dome-shaped bodies can be colorful and decorative, but the "lady" designation ...

Study unveils complexity of zoonotic transmission chains

Researchers from the Complexity Science Hub and the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna have dissected the complex interactions involved in zoonoses, which annually affect over two billion people worldwide. They introduce ...