
Juno team begins powering up science instruments

The engineers and scientists working on NASA's Juno mission have been busying themselves, getting their newly arrived Jupiter orbiter ready for operations around the largest planetary inhabitant in the solar system. Juno ...

New record in microwave detection

The record was made using a partially superconducting microwave detector. The discovery may lead to ultrasensitive cameras and accessories for the emerging quantum computer.

Why do we tap our feet to a musical beat?

In a paper recently published by the Journal of New Music Research, Professor Rolf Inge Godøy and colleagues at the University of Oslo explore the theory behind the relationship between musical sound and body movement.

Mammal-like mastication for the dinosaur Leptoceratops

We all chew, but hardly ever think about it. Even a moment's consideration, though, reveals how complex of a process it actually is. Jaws move, teeth gnash, and food gets broken from big bits into smaller bits. Even that ...

Scientists develop brain-inspired memory material

Our brain does not work like a typical computer memory storing just ones and zeroes: thanks to a much larger variation in memory states, it can calculate faster consuming less energy. Scientists of the MESA+ Institute for ...

Dangerous flight into the wind farm

Wind turbines attract bats. They seem to appear particularly appealing to female noctule bats in early summer. In a pilot study, researchers of the German Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research in Berlin noticed ...

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