
Physicists discover family of tetraquarks

Physicists in the Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences have made science history by confirming the existence of a rare four-quark particle and discovering evidence of three other "exotic" siblings.

Setting a satellite to catch a satellite

The target is set: a large derelict satellite currently silently tumbling its way through low orbit. If all goes to plan, in 2023 it will vanish – and efforts against space debris will have made a giant leap forward.

Graphene could revolutionize the Internet of Things

PFL researchers have produced a tunable, graphene-based device that could significantly increase the speed and efficiency of wireless communication systems. Their system works at very high frequencies, delivering unprecedented ...

LHC performance reaches new highs

It's full speed ahead for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), as it shatters its own records one after the other, achieving record luminosity, record numbers of bunches and a record beam lifespan.

How plants sense electric fields

An international group of researchers has pinpointed the sensor plants use to sense electric fields. A beneficial side effect: Their work could contribute to the understanding of how the Ebola virus enters human cells.

Testing the waters for European reuse opportunities

The EU DEMOWARE project represents a milestone in water reuse technology, offering increased operational efficiency, improved planning ability, cost savings as well as lowering destructive environmental impacts, whilst mitigating ...

Five things to know about toxic algae

A massive bloom of blue-green algae has hit four counties in Florida covering beaches along the Atlantic coast with foul-smelling, thick muck.

Juno mission scientists discuss Jupiter's mysteries

After nearly five years and 1.8 billion miles of space travel, NASA's Juno mission will arrive at Jupiter on July 4, 2016. Managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the spacecraft will orbit Jupiter for 20 months, completing ...

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