
Who buys fresh flowers as gifts?

Researchers from the Department of Bio-Industry Communication and Development at National Taiwan University have new insights into who buys fresh flowers as gifts, and why consumers purchase floral gifts. Their study in HortScience ...

Ravens cooperate—but not with just anyone

Ravens spontaneously solve a task that requires both coordination and cooperation—an ability that so far only a handful of species like chimpanzees and elephants have proved to master. A team of researchers led by Thomas ...

Tequila plant shows promise for biofuel

A desert plant, best known for producing tequila in Mexico, shows promise as a source of biofuel and other biochemical products, according to University of Adelaide research.

Gardens of coral discovered in Gulf of Maine

Brilliantly colored gardens of red tree coral (Primnoa), fan coral (Paramuricea), and multiple species of sponge grow on underwater ridges and along the walls of box canyons deep in the cold waters of the Gulf of Maine.

End to contaminated drinking water

As things stand, a suspected contamination of drinking water requires that a technician first be sent out to take samples from the water supply. The samples are then cultured and analysed in the laboratory. Only after several ...

Ionic and covalent drug delivery

Researchers at Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences compared three different drug delivery models based on ionic liquids. Scientists have developed a powerful API-IL concept to realize structural ...

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