
Frogs resolve computing issues

When male Japanese tree frogs sing at the same time, the females cannot differentiate between them in order to choose the best one. Therefore, the would-be suitors have come to an agreement and sing one by one. This natural ...

Smart vehicles in the urban traffic of the future

Head-up display on the windshield, connected simulations, tactical behavior of bicyclists and phased traffic lights for trucks: These are among the technologies being presented by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) ...

New treatment extends shelf life of bananas

Around the world, bananas are one of the most popular tropical fruits. Despite their popularity, bananas have a relatively short shelf life that creates challenges for both producers and consumers. A new study revealed that ...

Expect more online fraud as new credit cards arrive

The new chip credit cards that shoppers are getting in their mailboxes may prevent criminals from stealing from stores, but many thieves are expected to move their operations online. Small businesses could be the most vulnerable.

Saudi tycoon raises stakes in Twitter

Saudi tycoon Prince Alwaleed bin Talal and his Kingdom Holding Company announced Wednesday they have increased their stake in Twitter Inc to become the firm's second-largest shareholders.

Perfectly accurate clocks turn out to be impossible

Can the passage of time be measured precisely, always and everywhere? The answer will upset many watchmakers. A team of physicists from the universities of Warsaw and Nottingham have just shown that when we are dealing with ...

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