
Scientists find a way to postpone cell death

A team of scientists from MSU and the Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics of Russian Academy of Sciences (located in Pushchino) have studied the mechanisms of interaction between the Fas-ligand protein that ...

Controlled coupling of light and matter

Researchers from Würzburg and London have succeeded in controlling the coupling of light and matter at room temperature. They have published their results in Science Advances.

Scientists create multifunctional protein-polymer films

A team from MSU, with international and Russian colleagues, has found that mixing dendrimers (tree-like polymers) and proteins induces spontaneous multilayer films. They are easily formed and retain the activity and function ...

Producing handy gels from a protein found in human blood

The protein albumin is responsible for many vital processes in the human body. In nature, it only appears as a solution when dissolved in water. Chemists at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) have developed a ...

India's endangered lion population increases to 600

The endangered Asiatic lion, which only lives in one forest in India, has fought back from the verge of extinction, with its population increasing to more than 600, a minister said Tuesday hailing a major conservation campaign.

Crepidula onyx resilient towards microplastic diet

Coastal marine organisms are hit hard by pollution and global climate change stress. Perhaps a result of publication bias, studies often focus on species that are negatively impacted. However, to better understand how the ...

For flour beetles, it's better to be a woman in a man's world

For red flour beetles, being a female in a male world is advantageous. Unlike humans, where this situation traditionally confers a disadvantage, female flour beetles in male-dominated groups seem to reproduce better and live ...

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