
Stellar corpse sheds light on origin of cosmic rays

The origin of cosmic rays, high-energy particles from outer space constantly impacting on Earth, is among the most challenging open questions in astrophysics. Now new research published in the journal Monthly Notices of the ...

Investigation of paper-based electronics continues to advance

Imagine folding up a paper-thin computer tablet like a newspaper. It sounds like something out of a science fiction movie, but such flexible electronics are moving closer to reality, according to a review in the journal Science ...

Toward a smart graphene membrane to desalinate water

An international team of researchers, including scientists from Shinshu University (Japan) and the director of Penn State's ATOMIC Center, has developed a graphene-based coating for desalination membranes that is more robust ...

Making virtualized project rooms over networks a reality

Fujitsu Laboratories today announced that it has expanded its Creative Digital Space User-Interface (UI) technology, developed in 2015, which turns entire rooms into digital space, and has developed technology that smooths ...

Researchers devise a new way of producing hydrogen fuel

A U.S.-based team of researchers including MIPT scientists has assembled a nanoscale biological structure capable of producing hydrogen from water using light. They inserted a photosensitive protein into nanodiscs—circular ...

Fear and sweating in Pakistan's hottest cities

After hours toiling at construction sites in 50 degree-plus heat, Lakhmir Brahmani finds little relief from the sun other than a donkey-powered fan during the dog days of summer in one of Pakistan's hottest cities.

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