
Leaks will not sink carbon capture and storage

The case for carbon capture and storage—a promising method for reducing greenhouse gases—received a boost recently from a Princeton University study that indicated the procedure would not be prone to significant leakage ...

Scholars take aim at false positives in research

A single change to a century-old statistical standard would dramatically improve the quality of research in many scientific fields, shrinking the number of so-called false positives, according to a commentary published Sept. ...

New technology could revolutionise smartphone use

An innovative technology, created by researchers at the University of St Andrews, can allow your smartphone to carry out a range of tasks just by recognising the surface it is sitting on.

Citizen Scientists wanted to solve echidna mysteries

The Australian public is being called on to help better understand and conserve our iconic native echidna, by collecting echidna scats (poo) and taking photographs wherever echidnas or scats are spotted.

Safety recommendations for reentering a home after flooding

As the floodwaters from Hurricane Harvey begin to recede, many will return to their homes to assess damage and start the long process to clean up and rebuild. This raises questions about potential health risks that may be ...

Researchers move closer to hydrogen-powered cars

Lehigh researchers have collaborated with colleagues in China and at three national laboratories in the United States to develop a gold-based catalyst that they believe could improve the performance and efficiency of fuel ...

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