
Stars in the halo of the Milky Way often travel in groups

Many stars in the halo that surrounds the Milky Way travel in groups. This is the outcome of a recent analysis of data for millions of stars from the Gaia space mission. Astronomers report their discovery today in the international ...

Phylogeography of cladocerans in the Northern Palearctic

A group of scientists, including the researchers from the White Sea Biological Station, Lomonosov Moscow State University has studied dispersal routes of cladocerans through Northern Eurasia, which are a food for many fish ...

How to to bring lithium-air batteries closer to practice

Scientists from the Faculties of Materials Science and Chemistry, Lomonosov Moscow State University, are working on improvement of lithium-air batteries, which can significantly exceed the key parameters of lithium-ion systems. ...

New Indonesia tsunami network could add crucial minutes

Indonesia's tsunami detection system, made up of seafloor sensors that communicate with transmitting buoys on the surface, has been rendered useless by vandals and lack of funding. Now Indonesian and U.S. scientists say they've ...

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