
Not enough homes being built for older people, research says

The number of people aged 85 and over will more than double in the UK over the next 25 years. With an ageing population will come additional pressures on services and resources – and one area of specific concern is housing.

Digging into Easter Island's climate history

During March, a team of scientists led by William D'Andrea, associate research professor at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, travelled to Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to work on a major research project ...

Cracking the RNA-binding code of a cell fate regulator

Interactions between RNA and proteins impact all aspects of RNA metabolism. These interactions are mediated by diverse RNA binding domains (RBDs), of which many remain to be discovered. One example of a recently identified ...

Fusion scientists find inspiration in atmospheric whistles

The challenge of fusion energy is often equated to capturing—and holding—lightning in a bottle. The analogy is apt. Lightning and a fusion energy plasma have a lot in common. Similarities include very high temperatures, ...

Another problem with China's coal—mercury in rice

Mercury pollution is a problem usually associated with fish consumption. Pregnant women and children in many parts of the world are advised to eat fish low in mercury to protect against the adverse health impacts, including ...

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