
GRACE-FO: Cracking a cold case

Reports of the rapidly melting West Antarctic ice sheet often refer to how much the melting could add to global sea levels—as if meltwater raises the ocean evenly, like a sink filling up. The reality is far different. Water ...

Crocodiles listen to classical music in MRI scanner

Crocodiles count among the most ancient species of vertebrates and have barely changed over the space of more than 200 million years. Accordingly, they constitute a link between dinosaurs and bird species today. "Analyses ...

Mercury rising—are the fish we eat toxic?

The amount of mercury extracted from the sea by industrial fishing has grown steadily since the 1950s, potentially increasing mercury exposure among the populations of several coastal and island nations to levels that are ...

Future cities could be lit by algae

The way we produce light has changed surprisingly little since Thomas Edison developed the first light bulb in 1879.

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