
Research could minimize unwanted side effects in new drugs

Opioids relieve pain, but can cause respiratory failure and death through overdosing. Antipsychotic drugs can help people cope with mental illnesses, but muscle spasms can be a debilitating side effect. What if we could design ...

Weeds take over kelp in high CO2 oceans

Weedy plants will thrive and displace long-lived, ecologically valuable kelp forests under forecast ocean acidification, new research from the University of Adelaide shows.

Stellar family portrait in X-rays

In some ways, star clusters are like giant families with thousands of stellar siblings. These stars come from the same origins—a common cloud of gas and dust—and are bound to one another by gravity. Astronomers think ...

Research track multiplies proportion of researchers

Most medical students choose to practice medicine after graduation. Few choose a career exclusively as researchers. The trend in the proportion of doctors who want to do research has been declining for several decades and ...

Why plants are so sensitive to gravity: The lowdown

Plants can detect the slightest angle of inclination. Yet the mechanism by which they sense gravity relies on microscopic grains. In theory, such a system should hardly allow for precise detection of inclination. Researchers ...

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