
Gaia untangles the starry strings of the Milky Way

Rather than leaving home young, as expected, stellar 'siblings' prefer to stick together in long-lasting, string-like groups, finds a new study of data from ESA's Gaia spacecraft.

AI learns to model our Universe

Researchers have successfully created a model of the Universe using artificial intelligence, reports a new study.

Law enforcement 'use of force' study moves forward

In 2017, University of Alabama researchers began studying responses and brain activity of law enforcement officers in virtual "shoot/don't shoot" situations. Their goal was to address incidents of the officers' use of force ...

The role of GABA neurons in the central circadian clock

The research team led by Dr. Daisuke Ono and Prof. Akihiro Yamanaka of the Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya University, along with collaborators, has revealed that inhibitory neurons (GABAergic neurons) of the central ...

Entangling photons generated millions of miles apart

A team of researchers with members from China, Germany, the U.K. and the U.S. has found a way to entangle photons generated millions of miles apart. In their paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the researchers ...

Wind mystery inside gas giant Saturn begins to unravel

A new study argues that Saturn's interior flows like honey due to its magnetic field, which may help solve the mystery of why the planet's powerful winds stop 8,500km inside the giant gas planet.

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