
Pavlov's classical conditioning inspires materials scientists

Researchers have successfully trained a material to respond to an originally neutral stimulus, a gel that can be taught to melt without needing heating. Their work, recently published in Nature Communications, was inspired ...

Birds of a feather flock together, but only in similar climates

One might assume that birds of flight are cosmopolitan travelers, and bird species should be distributed far and wide, spread across long distances—continents even. However, a study led by Alex White, Ph.D., a former University ...

Europe warming faster than expected due to climate change

Climate change is increasing the number of days of extreme heat and decreasing the number of days of extreme cold in Europe, posing a risk for residents in the coming decades, according to a new study.

What's private depends on who you are and where you live

Citizens and policymakers around the world are grappling with how to limit companies' use of data about individuals—and how private various types of information should be. But anthropologists like me know that cultures ...

Cluster and XMM-Newton pave the way for SMILE

A joint European-Chinese spacecraft, SMILE is currently scheduled for launch in 2023. It will be placed in a highly inclined, elliptical orbit around Earth, which will take it as far as 120 000 km from our planet.

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