
A novel antibiotic from weeds

Researchers working on an SNSF project have discovered novel, antibiotically active chemical substances in a previously rarely explored site: the leaf of a common field weed. The just published findings show that this microcosm ...

These Gummy Bear-looking things will inherit the earth

Tardigrades, also known as water bears, are microscopic animals that live basically everywhere on earth, from the hot springs atop the Himalayas to the icy tundra of Antarctica to —almost certainly —your backyard.

Deglacial changes in western Atlantic Ocean circulation

A new study carried out by an international team of researchers, using the chemistry of ocean sediments has highlighted a widespread picture of Atlantic circulation changes associated with rapid climate change in the past.

Researchers generate optical skyrmions

Technion-Israel institute of Technology researchers have succeeded in generating minute "nano-hedgehogs of light" called optical skyrmions, which could make possible revolutionary advances in information processing, transfer ...

App helps ecologists map vulnerable ecosystems within minutes

UNSW scientists have created a mapmaking app that can fast-track large-scale ecosystem analysis from months to minutes, giving conservationists a way to monitor decades of human impact, hotspots of biodiversity and vulnerable ...

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