
Molecular motors: Chemical carousel rotates in the cold

Molecular motors, which rotate unidirectionally in response to an external energy input, constitute an important class of components for future applications in the field of nanotechnology. Molecules whose structure and spatial ...

French court fines P&O captain over polluting fuel

The US captain of a P&O cruise ship found to be burning fuel with excessive sulphur levels was fined 100,000 euros ($114,000) in a Marseille court Monday, the first such ruling in France.

Scientists developed enzymes with remote control

Scientists have developed a method to enhance the activity of enzymes by using radio frequency radiation. The method requires a special complex of enzymes and magnetic nanoparticles. The particles can adsorb radio emission ...

Mobilising the social sciences to rethink finance

Ten years have passed since the collapse of Lehman Brothers: this unprecedented event remains today a topic of the greatest concern. Indeed, regulation theory teaches us that the major financial crises – those of 1929 and ...

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