
Consumer-led research gives a voice to disadvantaged

In the last week of August 2018, the Australian Government's Productivity Commission released its "Rising inequality? A stocktake of the evidence" research paper. Its conclusion: "Over nearly three decades, inequality has ...

Ecologists create a new model to predict extinction risk

A new population viability model, with an accompanying web app, is helping scientists to better forecast population changes and extinction risk for imperiled species. The method was developed by ecologists at the University ...

Scientists nail down important plant compound pathway

Purdue University plant molecular biochemist Natalia Dudareva and colleagues have described a complete second pathway used by plants to produce phenylalanine, a compound important for all living organisms.

Maternal instincts don't explain the gender gap on GM foods

Studies have found that women are more skeptical of genetically modified (GM) foods than men, but little research has been done on what's responsible for that gender gap. Conventional wisdom has been that maternal instincts ...

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