
Gadgets for Mars

A mini-rover, tools once used on the moon and lasers for 3-D mapping are in the backpack of the explorers of tomorrow. The terrain will be hazardous and it will be dark in volcanic caves, but this equipment could one day ...

Image: Rover sunset

A rover crawls over rocky terrain on Spain's Canary Island of Lanzarote, also known as the island of a thousand volcanoes. A drone follows it closely from the sky as the Sun sets.

Long-lived catalytic converter reduces diesel emissions

Diesel vehicles today emit fewer pollutants than older vehicles, thanks to a zeolite catalytic converter that was invented around 10 years ago. Although many groups have investigated this catalyst since then, it was still ...

How carbon nanotubes could be used in future electronic devices

A team of Skoltech scientists, in collaboration with researchers from the IBM Watson Research Center, have shed light on the behavior of electrical contacts in carbon semiconductor nanotubes, which could pave the way to next-generation ...

New step towards future complex oxide electronics

Researchers from TU Delft, Cornell University and the University of Cagliari report an interesting method for turning a highly insulating material into a highly conducting system. The process involves combining three different ...

Scientists reveal the mystery about the origin of gold

An international group of scientists, with the participation of the University of Granada (UGR), has shed new light on the origin of gold, one of the most intriguing mysteries for the scientific community.

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