
Infant exoplanet weighed by Hipparcos and Gaia

The mass of a very young exoplanet has been revealed for the first time using data from ESA's star mapping spacecraft Gaia and its predecessor, the quarter-century retired Hipparcos satellite.

New data to improve models of atmosphere circulation

A team of scientists from the Institute of Mechanics, MSU, demonstrated how random fluctuations in the rotation speed and noise influence the number of vortexes in the Couette spherical flow. They report that the level of ...

Sex in plants requires thrust

In a paper to be published in the September 2018 issue of TECHNOLOGY, the thrust produced by the microscopic organ delivering sperm cells in plants has now been measured using microfluidic technology. A team of nano and microsystems ...

Super-resolution microscopy: Getting even closer to the limit

Ralf Jungmann is interested in processes that take place within unbelievably tiny spatial dimensions. Jungmann holds a professorship in experimental physics at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) in Munich, and heads a ...

What's behind the retreating kelps and expanding corals?

Climate change and other external forces are causing rapid marine community shifts in Japan's coastal ecosystems. Better understanding of species distribution dynamics, as driven by these factors, can improve conservation ...

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