
Higher processor performance with microchannel cooler

One of the limiting factors for the computing power of processors is the operating temperature. As part of the CarriCool project under the aegis of IBM, Fraunhofer researchers have developed a new, effective cooling method: ...

Detecting impurities on 3-D components

Impurities adhering to the surface of components can cause problems in later stages of the production process – or even make the entire component useless. A new fluorescence scanner developed by the Fraunhofer Institute ...

Mitzi and the giant hairball

Mitzi is a longtime survivor of lymphoma. It's been five years since her last chemotherapy treatment, but she has been vomiting and her owners are afraid the cancer is back. Her stomach feels very weird – kind of doughy, ...

Beyond Bitcoin—The power struggle over trust-based technology

Technology blogs and financial news networks are buzzing about blockchain, a cryptographic, distributed trust technology. The key innovation is how it reduces the need for central third-party institutions to serve as central ...

Toxic genetic material's origins discovered

Colibactin, a toxic agent produced by gut bacteria, including certain strains of E. Coli, and thought to contribute to colon cancer, is assembled via a chemical transformation never seen before, according to Northwestern ...

Using elastomer films to generate electricity

Water is still the most important source of renewable energy in Bavaria, Germany, accounting for some 33 percent of all renewable energy produced in the region, as showed by the Bavarian Energy Map. But conventional hydroelectric ...

Image: Hubble catches galaxies swarmed by star clusters

In the center of a rich cluster of galaxies located in the direction of the constellation of Coma Berenices, lies a galaxy surrounded by a swarm of star clusters. NGC 4874 is a giant elliptical galaxy, about ten times larger ...

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