
Researchers obtain chicken embryo development data

KFU Extreme Biology Lab and RIKEN have uncovered new facts about chicken embryo growth, which may lead to similar discoveries about humans. The work is published in PLOS Biology.

Body energy as a power source

Smartphones, MP3 players, sports electronics devices such as pulse meters or trackers, medical equipment such as tonometers, pacemakers of the heart, or insulin pumps: An increasing number of electronic companions make daily ...

A deeper understanding of a surface phenomenon

Phenomena involving surface tension are extremely complex and have applications in our everyday lives, and OIST researchers are tackling the complicated mathematics behind the physics.

Fires and snow in the Pacific Northwest

The Suomi NPP satellite's Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument captured a look at multiple fires and smoke burning in the Pacific Northwest on September 28, 2017.  Accompanying the fires are patches ...

Wearable device that tracks indoor and outdoor air quality

This past June, Grace Li '17 stepped off a plane in Paris ready to spend her summer tracking down a silent killer. Now Li, her former teammates, and the flock of trained pigeons who also contributed to the project are about ...

How a new orbital moon station could take us to Mars and beyond

The dream of a human habitat in orbit about the moon came a step closer on September 27, when NASA and the Russian space agency (Roscosmos) signed up to a common vision for future human exploration. The project, a follow-up ...

Could it be that religion is more like sex than school?

A lot of arguments about religion treat it like going to school: a religion is a set of lessons to be learned, tests to pass and rules to follow, all watched over by the great headmaster in the sky. That assumption shapes ...

How bacteria produce manganese oxide nanoparticles

Bacteria that produce manganese (Mn) oxides are extraordinarily skilled engineers of nanomaterials that contribute significantly to global biogeochemical cycles. However, mineralization mediated by these organisms is poorly ...

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