
Four decades of tracking European spacecraft

Forty years ago this week, a satellite ground station in Spain became the first to be assigned to what would become ESA. Since then, the network – Estrack – has expanded worldwide and today employs cutting-edge technology ...

Building a more sustainable future for housing

Dr Adele Leah, who graduated this month with a PhD in Architecture, has established a method for the investigation of the relationship between the environmental impact of the building materials in a house and the lifestyle ...

Scholars issue plan to reduce poverty

Stanford scholars and other experts on California's low-income population have unveiled a new initiative – the Equal Opportunity Plan – aimed at dramatically reducing poverty in the state.

New potential for "homemade" opiates raises oversight issues

Writing in the journal Nature Chemical Biology, researchers at the University of California at Berkeley have announced a new method that could make it easier to produce drugs such as morphine. The publication has focused ...

Porous, layered material can serve as a graphene analog

An electrically conductive material, with layers resembling graphene (single sheet of graphite), was synthesized under mild conditions using a well-known molecule that allows good electronic coupling of nickel ions and organic ...

Dedication of Advanced LIGO

The Advanced LIGO Project, a major upgrade that will increase the sensitivity of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatories instruments by a factor of 10 and provide a 1,000-fold increase in the number of astrophysical ...

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