
Blood stem cells found to not be in charge in an emergency

As long as we are healthy, our body keeps the number of blood and immune cells largely constant. However, any infection or other disorder that increases cell consumption results in cell loss, which must be replaced as quickly ...

Study on pesticide toxicity in Germany calls for action

Pesticide risks in Germany have shown notable trends over the last 25 years, as a study of environmental scientists from the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau has recently found out. The risk for terrestrial vertebrates has decreased, ...

Climate change likely to uproot more Amazon trees

Tropical forests are crucial for sucking up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But they're also subject to intense storms that can cause "windthrow"—the uprooting or breaking of trees. These downed trees decompose, potentially ...

Speeding up sugar's conversion into fuel

University of Queensland researchers have found a way to more efficiently convert sugarcane into a building block of aviation fuel and other products.

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