
Pigments in oil paintings linked to artwork degradation

Experts have long known that as oil paintings age, soaps can form within the paint, degrading the appearance of the artworks. The process significantly complicates the preservation of oil paintings—and cultural manifestations, ...

Solid and liquid at the same time

Microscopically small particles can spontaneously self-assemble into complex layered structures with remarkable properties, according to calculations performed at the TU Wien.

Sweat torso to become international standard

Empa's sweat torso now meets the ISO standard. How protective clothing affects the human body can be investigated in future with Empa's torso in a standardized way.

Fishing for one bad cell out of trillions of good ones

Cancer cells can break away from a tumor and circulate through the blood. There are few of the cancer cells compared to the trillions of blood cells. Current methods to find and extract these circulating tumor cells (CTC) ...

UFO believers got one thing right—here's what they get wrong

The past few weeks have been good for UFO believers. For decades they've clamored for "disclosure"—an admission by the government that it knows of galactic gatecrashers, and that aliens are irrefutably here. This always ...

Superconducting tokamaks are standing tall

A persistent problem has dogged the largest fusion device in South Korea. The Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) device has run successfully since 2008. However, controlling the vertical position of ...

Timing neutrinos with White Rabbit

Being on time is important – just ask Lewis Carroll's leporine friend – and one group who knows this more than most are particle physicists, whose work revolves around keeping track of near-light speed blips of matter.

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