
The Bitcoin bubble has burst, so what are the alternatives?

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been in the news lately with a sudden surge in value followed by a spectacular crash – not to mention the unfortunate tale of US$4 million in bitcoin on a hard drive that was accidentally ...

Making fashion sustainable

Soon after new designs hit the fashion runways in New York and Paris, knockoffs can appear on sales racks in as little as two weeks, especially in retail outlets geared toward the young consumer on a budget.

The destructive power of sound waves

Researchers at the University of Arizona College of Engineering have come up with a novel way to help the U.S. Air Force dispose of stockpiles of dangerous chemicals – using nothing more than sound waves.

PML study supports validity of toolmark identification in forensics

Toolmark identification is an important forensic discipline where scrape and impression marks found at a crime scene are used to identify the type, brand, or specific tool that generated the mark. Common tools used during ...

Study of breaking waves helps stabilize lake shorelines

In spring 2011, waves more than 5 feet high driven by 45 mph winds crashed through sandbag and concrete barricades along Lake Poinsett and Lake Thompson in eastern South Dakota. Spring flooding that leads to this level of ...

New material to enhance crop yield

Researchers at the UPM have developed a carbonaceous material from sewage sludge that when applied to soil can help to improve its quality.

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