
Better first response medical care during catastrophes

When large-scale emergencies occur, it often takes far too long before victims receive the care their injuries demand. Now a new electronic system has been designed to support helpers during the initial assessment of victims ...

Keck observatory redirects photons to save

If you have been through Waimea lately, you've probably noticed a great deal of work taking place on the roofs of the W. M. Keck Observatory headquarters buildings, with installers scrambling across the blue rooftops, carrying ...

Image: NASA's Hubble looks at a members-only galaxy club

(Phys.org) —This new Hubble image shows a handful of galaxies in the constellation of Eridanus (The River). NGC 1190, shown here on the right of the frame, stands apart from the rest; it belongs to an exclusive club known ...

Graphene nanoribbons an ice-melting coat for radar

(Phys.org) —Ribbons of ultrathin graphene combined with polyurethane paint meant for cars is just right for deicing sensitive military radar domes, according to scientists at Rice University.

'Superbugs' found breeding in sewage plants

(Phys.org) —Tests at two wastewater treatment plants in northern China revealed antibiotic-resistant bacteria were not only escaping purification but also breeding and spreading their dangerous cargo.

Research reveals influence of media moguls

Individual or family ownership of media outlets is bad for editorial independence, according to new research by an academic at the University of East Anglia.

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